Saturday, September 21, 2019

Convert a Recessed Light into Pendant Light

When I first started our initial remodel project, my Interior Designer recommended that I switch out our recessed lights to pendant lights. Before calling an electrician to change the wiring, I decided to research and see if there were other options available. I'm glad I did! It turns out its very easy and quick to do, each light takes less than 15 minutes.

Here's how:
Home Depot sells conversion kits that makes the process really easy. The one I found wasn't in my local store so I had to order it and it arrived in less than a week. This is the one I got:
The kit contains everything you need and doesn't require any tools, which makes it really easy! First you unscrew the light bulb from the recessed light. Yes I know I got paint on the cover of my light, but it doesn't matter since it will be covered up at the end.
Then adapter part of the pendant light goes where the light bulb used to be. Before inserting the adapter though, you may want to adjust the length of the cord for the pendant light. You can always change it later but its easier to do it beforehand.

 Now the pendant light should be in, but you will need to tighten the cover plate. This will conceal the fact that it was ever a recessed light! Make sure the nut is loosened, then slide the plate up to the top and tighten the nut. Make sure not to over tighten as it could break the plastic piece.
The only thing left to do is add the shade and light bulb. Told you it was easy!

After a few days, the cord should straighten out on its own if there are any kinks in it. Also, if you decide you ever want to go back to a recessed light, it can switch back just as easily!

I love how it adds texture and draws the eye up in the room.
Do you have a recessed light that you are considering updating to a pendant? Its so easy to do I hope after reading this you attempt it on your own!

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