Monday, July 31, 2017

I bonded with Bondo!

Bondo has not sponsored this post in any form, but I'm just so amazed at how well this product works that I had to share!

A client brought me a table to paint.  It was missing a big piece of wood on one side, and it was slightly obvious because there were 3 other matching sides of the table.  See picture below with the missing area circled in blue:

I needed something that would be durable, and since woodworking is not my strong point, I didn't trust my skills with cutting a new piece from wood.  Keep in mind this piece was going to be painted, so I knew I wouldn't have to worry about staining over it.  Then Bondo walks into my life, and I foresee a lifelong friendship between us.

I was cleaning up my craft area, and noticed that my glue gun made a mess everywhere.  I thought it was going to be difficult to clean up, but it all stuck together and came off easily.  This gave me the idea for making a mold with hot glue!  I sprayed the area I wanted to use for a mold (luckily there were 3 other matching sides, so finding a duplicate was easy), then I covered it in layers and layers of hot glue.  After it all dried, it came off really easily!  Now I had custom mold!

Here is a picture of the mold, keep in mind, its not the most beautiful thing but it gets the job done.

Next you will need to work quickly, as Bondo is extremely fast drying.  Sorry I didn't get pictures as I was worried about the time.  Mix the two parts together as instructed, it will be very goopy. Spoon the mixture into the beautiful mold.  Then place it where you want it and hold it in place while it dries.  Keep in mind this just takes a few minutes.  You can let it dry further if you want, but I like it to be just a little pliable to make the final touches to shape it as required.  You can sand it smooth.  It turns out to be a pinkish color, but since I knew it would be painted over that was fine with me.

Check it out, perfect match!  Also, this stuff dries super hard.  After awhile I had a hard time sanding it down any further as it fully dried.  After I primed the entire piece, I asked my husband to guess which side had been repaired, and even he couldn't tell!
Here it is with paint.

Here is the finished product!

Does anybody else get as excited as I do to try new stuff and is beyond delighted to find out it works better than expected?  Seriously this opens so many new doors for me.  Okay not really, but I already have many other ideas to use this stuff on.

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