Wednesday, January 24, 2018

New Year, New Project List

A new year brings a fresh set of resolutions, new goals, hopes, promises and whatever else you can dream of.  In my case, I have a list of house mini remodel projects that I want to complete.  Now I know I promised my husband that once we went through a complete house remodel a few years ago that I wouldn't do any more for awhile...

But that was a couple years ago and I'm starting to get the itch to redecorate and rearrange and dare I say...remodel.

First things first. Living room seating.  Someone broke our reclining loveseat and one of the seats which no longer reclines and nobody will confess to the crime but the chair is pretty much useless now.  Anyway...a couple of years ago I drove an hour round trip to pick up two wingback chairs that I just had to have and shoved them in my mom's SUV with the hatchback open because they didn't fit all the way.  Those 2 chairs I "had" to buy have been permanent residents in the basement for the last couple of years.  Along with the fabric that I already purchased to reupholster them.  So wingback chair are on my list.

Speaking of furniture living in my basement.  Next up is the stack of dining chairs and new dining room table.  Another one of those "had to have" purchases that I never got around to refinishing.  I'm not sure if its the fact that I have young children that is holding me back from having nice things or if its my lack of motivation due to my dislike of painting chairs and all of their details and crevices.  Either way, look out dining room, hopefully by the end of 2018 you will have a new dining room table set!
Current Set:
Hoarded Basement Chairs:

Now for the project I'm most excited for as it will help with clutter in our house, especially with the cooler weather and the need for extra winter gear.  Wish list: Locker area with seating and storage. Location: after searching my house for a good spot, it has been determined that if I remove the cabinets in the laundry room it should allow for enough room to host a locker area.  Bonus - the laundry room is directly located off the garage entry way and also has a door to shut to hide the inevitable mess of boots/jackets/backpacks/hats/etc.  Due to the fact that I like to DIY, this project will be done by me even though I have never removed cabinets or a countertop before but nothing a little sweat, tears and research can't do!

Last but not least, is the aforementioned basement.  While the entire basement is definitely on my remodel list, I will have to take it a little at a time as it is currently serving as my hoarding area and also over 1,000 finished square feet of straight up 1990's era.  Meaning blue carpet, honey oak wood, shiny brass hardware, and horribly ugly dated lighting.  Within this area is also a full bathroom, and I'm itching to paint over the honey oak cabinets, remove the brass hardware, update the builder grade bathroom mirror and maybe *Ben don't read this part* redo the flooring.  We shall see.  By that I mean, lets see if my husband does indeed plan a trip to Vegas with his friends so that I can start the remodel job without him knowing.

So there you have it.  The great house list project of 2018.  Now that its published I feel like I'm accountable for finishing all that I set out to do.  How about you, do you have any house projects that you hope to tackle this year?  Don't forget to remind me of the list of projects just to make sure I'm actually getting them done.  Stay tuned for updates on my Facebook page, Flipping Unbelievable.  You can also follow me on Instagram.